
The Carlton Keighley uniform is:
• Black Carlton Keighley blazer.
• Black Carlton Keighley jumper (optional).
• Black school trousers or appropriate length school skirt.
• White shirt.
• Carlton Keighley clip-on or knotted tie.
• Plain black socks.
• Plain black shoes.
• Lanyard & ID card.

You may wear a plain black hijab to school. You may also wear a plain black shalwar kameez under your blazer and over your shirt and tie.

The Carlton Keighley PE Kit is:
• White Carlton Keighley polo shirt.
• Plain black tracksuit bottoms.
• Black Carlton Keighley hoodie
• Trainers.
• Plain black sports socks.
• Shin pads (where applicable).

If you wish to wear a hijab for PE, it should be a plain black sports hijab

Uniform Expectations:
Take pride in your appearance and remember that whenever you are wearing your uniform you are representing the academy.
• Wear your uniform safely. Backless footwear, trainers, jewellery (other than a small watch and single pair of plain studs), false eyelashes and false nails are not allowed and will result in a sanction.
• Wear your uniform smartly. Shirts should be tucked in, belts should be plain, skirts should be knee-length, hairstyles should be natural and make-up should be discreet. There is to be no lines in hair or eyebrows of any kind. Hair colour must also be of natural colour.
• Wear your uniform professionally. Jackets and outdoor clothes must be removed on entering the building.
• Blazers may be removed (with your teacher’s permission) once in the classroom.
• Blazers and full lanyards are to be worn at all times when moving around the building to identify you as a student at Carlton Keighley.
• Failure to wear the correct uniform will be sanctioned.

Inappropriate Uniform:
If you arrive at the academy without the correct uniform, you will be allowed to borrow spare items from the Head of Year.

You will receive a detention and must return borrowed items at the end of the day. If you refuse to borrow a spare item you will be placed in the BIR until parents/carers bring the correct uniform to school.

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That’s great and all, and we commend you for pushing through with it. Unfortunately we no longer offer support for IE; it hasn’t received a major update since 2015 and Microsoft are dropping support for it later in the year.

If you’re using Windows 10 and want to stick with a built in browser, please consider switching to Edge. Or, if you really want to enjoy the internet properly we strongly recommend downloading Google Chrome here.